EBRIPHON - The Ship Symphony out of Steel & Iron


Noise becomes music.
An Electro-Acoustic Symphony Out Of Steel And Iron. Bakar - place of a raffenerie and coking. Several microphones were positioned at different places on a coal freighter/ship. The sounds that the ship itself produced were recorded and the musician and composer Christine Hinterkörner composed these sounds and noises into an electroacoustic musical symphony.

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For the EBRIPHON live presentation a performance in collaboration with musicians and singers in Bakar will be worked out by Christine Hinterkörner and Patrik Huber. This presentation in the city of Bakar will take place in July 2020.

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The soundinstallation EBRIPHON will be shown on a ship as part of the Cultural Main City Rijeka in the port of Rijeka from July until August 2020.

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Supported by City Linz Export 2018/Austria, Austrian Cultural Forum Zagreb BMEIA, Federal Ministry Republic of Austria and Municipality Bakar.

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Christine Hinterkörner